A place for insight, analysis and action.
3 April 2018
8 questions Gavin Williamson needs to answer about army schools
by Ellis Brooks
We need to ask some serious questions about the government's pursuit of military ethos in schools, argues Ellis Brooks.
29 March 2018
A quick history of chocolate and Quakerism
by Jon Martin
Jon Martin looks back at the mixed legacy of the Quaker confectionery companies.
28 March 2018
A Quaker take on Easter
by Alistair Fuller
Alistair Fuller explains how his understanding of Holy Week and Easter has evolved from childhood chocolate to a deeper appreciation of the stories behind the celebration.
21 March 2018
Safeguarding matters
by Neil Jarvis
Neil Jarvis explains why a shared understanding of safeguarding is important for Quaker meetings, and reports back from a recent conference for coordinators.
14 March 2018
Reclaim the sky for peace
by Ellis Brooks
This Persian New Year fly kites not drones says Ellis Brooks, as he calls for solidarity with people affected by armed drone strikes.
13 March 2018
Support the right to family life
by Jessica Metheringham
The Refugee (Family Reunion) Bill will be debated by MPs this week. Jessica Metheringham outlines the importance of the bill and how people can take action today.
8 March 2018
Finding patterns and examples in Edinburgh
by Oliver Waterhouse
Quaker role holders are key to Quaker meetings and help keep the faith alive and vibrant. Oliver Waterhouse reflects on the first of three events aimed at supporting people in their service.
7 March 2018
5 ways to support women in immigration detention this International Women’s Day
by Tatiana Garavito
UK immigration detention centres fly in the face of basic human rights. Quakers in Britain are working to bring them to an end.
21 February 2018
A testimony of divine grace: Quakers and same-sex marriage
by Michael Booth
In 2009 Quakers in Britain affirmed same-sex marriage. Michael Booth looks back at 60 years of Quaker work towards recognising same-sex relationships.
16 February 2018
Shaping our future: children and young people at Yearly Meeting 2018
by Howard Nurden
Younger voices have long played a part in Quaker decision-making. This year it's particularly important their voices are heard, says Howard Nurden.