The Quaker Centre café is now open Monday to Friday, 8am–4pm. The bookshop is open Monday to Friday, 10am–4.30pm.


We stock books on a wide range of subjects including Quaker history and thought, poetry, novels, and sustainable living. We also sell Fairtrade products and a range of calendars and postcards. Many book titles are also available to buy from the online bookshop (offsite link).


Choose from a range of organic and/or locally produced cold drinks, cakes, biscuits and other snacks. Also available are porridge, soups, sandwiches, tea and coffee.

Resources for meetings

Quaker Centre resources for meetings consists of leaflets, books, tapes, posters, DVDs, packs and other resources for use by Quaker meetings for outreach, study groups, children and young people's meetings and all ages together.

Worship space

You are welcome to use this space for quiet worship, either by yourself or joining with others. There is currently no organised meeting for worship in this space.

In the stillness of a Quaker meeting each person tries to draw closer to God, whatever their understanding of God may be.

During this quiet time anyone present may feel led to express a thought or feeling they are experiencing. There is no prearranged programme and no person directing what happens. This simple way of worship is modern yet over 350 years old. It is open to anyone who will join the silence.


There is step-free access to the Quaker Centre via the main garden entrance. There is also a stepped entrance on Euston Road leading directly into the Quaker Centre – this entrance has 8 steps and handrails along both sides, although the steps are quite steep. Find out more about accessibility at Friends House (offsite link).