Resources to support events and work relating to George Fox 400 anniversary.

Get involved

    Below is a list of resources to help you plan and run George Fox 400 events in your local area. They are sorted by intended audience. There are activities, books, leaflets and videos. Some will help you explain Quakerism to newcomers, and other resources will support your meeting with community building and in-reach.

    The Black History themed resources and resources on reparations are included as George Fox and early Friends had many direct links to slavery. Fox was a supporter of Quaker meetings that included enslaved Africans who were working on plantations in Barbados and other Caribbean islands, but he also profited from slave labour in those plantations. Quakers in Britain are committed to making practical reparations for the transatlantic slave trade, colonialism and economic exploitation that occurred from the 17th century onwards. Expanding British history to include the perspectives and stories of the people living in colonised territories helps to tell a more nuanced and truthful account of our joint pasts. Celebrating those nuances in all aspects of meeting life is one way of supporting this commitment and helps create welcoming and inclusive communities.

    Meeting House Open Days

    If you are opening your meeting house to the public as part of Heritage Open Days, 6-15 September, or Quaker Week, 28 September – 6 October, the resources below will help you prepare.

    George Fox 400 logo and images

    Make your George Fox 400 events stand out by using the anniversary logo and selection of collages.


    You may wish to play some of these videos at an outreach event.Go to the youtube link to show on full screen.

    • Introduction to Quakers videos
    • Quaker Tapestry Museum video on George Fox and early Quakers
    • George Fox, Margaret Fell and Swarthmoor Hall video

    Children and young people

    These resources will help you plan activities for children and young people related to George Fox, early Quakers and Quaker faith and practice.

    These resources are 'take-aways' for children and young people.


    These resources will help you plan community building sessions within your meeting.

    This resource is a good all-age guide to Quaker principles.

    Non-Quakers or newcomers

    These resources can be used in outreach activities, or shared with newcomers to help explain the beginnings of Quakerism and Quaker beliefs and practice today.

    You may wish to play some of these videos at an outreach event.

    This is a podcast on George Fox, the beginnings of Quakerism and 1652 country.


    If you use this anniversary year to increase your outreach in schools, these resources can help plan your session.

    Quaker history and reparations research

    These resources will support local research into specific aspects of Quaker history.

    This is a record of the first known introduction of Quakers to each of the counties of England and Wales. This could be an interesting document to consult if you wanted to link Quaker history with your locality.

    Britain Yearly Meeting is creating some new George Fox 400 resources to support your events, including posters, template flyers and press-releases, and simple all-age activities. Keep an eye on this page for updates.