Quaker communities news
This page contains news about running local and area meetings and other Quaker communities.
Hope springs from Bristol's 'Future of British Quakerism' conference
26 March 2025
In mid March, Bristol Quakers gathered for their own Future of British Quakerism conference, with guest speaker Recording Clerk Paul Parker and inspiring workshops led by young people.
5 Take-aways from George Fox 400
24 March 2025
In 2024, Quakers around the world marked the 400th anniversary of the birth of George Fox, the best known of early Quakers. Celebrating the life of one man was a challenge to the Quaker testimony to equality, so focus was on the significant contribution he and others made to the beginnings of the Quaker movement. It was a chance to look back at how the religion started and celebrate the continued work of Quakers around the world for peace, truth and justice.
Winter ceilidh in Reading nurtures community and outreach
18 March 2025
Reading Quakers held a ceilidh to 'raise the winter spirits' at the end of February for the third year running. More than 50 Quakers from across Mid Thames Area Meeting shared an evening of laughter and dancing and music.
Last summer Esher Quakers started meeting in hired premises
24 February 2025
In July 2024, Esher Quakers gave up their 227-year-old Grade 2 listed meeting house and burial ground and made a move to meet in hired space. Making this change was a testing and stressful experience calling on spiritual, emotional and physical strength. Esher Quakers share their reflections on managing change.
Online Introduction to Chaplaincy inspires new and existing Quaker chaplains
11 February 2025
In late January, there was an online 'Introduction to Chaplaincy' where three chaplains shared their experiences, of prison, university, and hospice chaplaincy. Quakers joining the session heard about different approaches, asked questions and reflected on their own leadings, including how they might get in touch with chaplaincy teams in local institutions.
Clevedon Quakers get ready with a Welcome Box
3 February 2025
Clevedon Quaker Meeting recently welcomed their youth development worker, Zephyr Blofeld, to worship with them, share his work and a new 'Welcome Box' designed to help Quaker meetings welcome children and young people.
Making teams for under 18s programmes at Yearly Meeting
17 January 2025
Quakers across the Yearly Meeting have come forward to volunteer to help run the children's and youth events at Yearly Meeting this year, 23-26 May. The programmes for under 18s give opportunities to explore Quakerism and build community, and couldn't happen without the generosity of volunteers.