Quaker communities news
This page contains news about running local and area meetings and other Quaker communities.
World Dinner in Bradford
25 January 2024
The local and youth development workers for Yorkshire hosted a team based dinner game with an international food justice theme. Some twenty Friends, including several families, gathered in Bradford Meeting House for the 'chance to enjoy a meal with a difference!'
Feeling the warmth and welcome in Sittingbourne
22 January 2024
The Local Development Worker for Kent, Sussex and Surrey shares her story of worshipping with Quakers in Sittingbourne, a small town in Kent. After a long, rainy journey, she found a warm welcome and strong connection with the Spirit and deep care for one another.
Employing people to support area meeting community
10 January 2024
Hampshire & Islands Area Meeting – 11 Local Meetings and 2 Worshipping Groups – now has two new staff directly supporting its administration and outreach, each employed for 21 hours a week. These roles relieve pressure on roleholders and give Friends more time.
Children and young people at Meeting for Sufferings day
20 December 2023
Children and young people came together as part of Meeting for Sufferings in London on Saturday 2 December 2023. They gathered as young Quakers to experience community together, and value having opportunities to connect between Yearly Meeting sessions. The day gave the children a flavour of being at Friends House, and spending time with Quakers of all ages.
Attenders can now serve on central committees
13 December 2023
In their December meeting, Meeting for Sufferings discerned that attenders can now be appointed to serve on central committees. This enables attenders to be nominated to committee and service roles that are appointed by Meeting for Sufferings.
Lovember in Leeds
12 December 2023
Cold mornings, dark evenings, rain, wind; November can be a miserable month. That's why some people at the Universities Chaplaincy in Leeds decided to rename it 'Lovember', creating opportunities to bring people together, show kindness and love. I joined the chaplaincy just in time to see Team Unity (a group of chaplains and University of Leeds staff) step into action to bring Lovember 2023 to life.
Journey into membership for a prisoner
7 December 2023
A prisoner, serving a life sentence, recently applied to become a member of the religious Society of Friends, with the support of the local Quaker Prison Chaplain, Tricia Bradbury, and was warmly accepted into membership of CEQ area meeting on 19th September 2023. He had been visited by two Friends, following the usual Quaker practice.