The Library of the Society of Friends, based at Friends House, is a unique resource and is one of the largest Quaker collections in the world.
George Fox 400 resources
Resources to support events and work relating to George Fox 400 anniversary.
At Yearly Meeting 2022, Quakers committed to making practical reparations for the transatlantic slave trade, colonialism and economic exploitation. This page offers some resources to help meetings think about this work.
Quaker bookshop
The Quaker Bookshop opens Monday to Friday from 10am–4.30pm. The bookshop also welcomes online customers.
Free resources
This section includes resources to download or order; about Quakers and their work, for Quakers and their meetings and for teachers
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Accessible documents
Accessibility is the practice of making services usable by as many people as possible. We plan to provide as much information as we can in accessible formats.
We need pictures and video to illustrate our communications about Quakers. Without these, our communications will not stand out and will often go unnoticed.
Role-holder updates
Update emails are sent out to Quaker role holders. These include the Clerks Update email, a quarterly PDF newsletter replacing the Clerks Monthly Mailing. Trustees' and Treasurers' News currently goes out three times a year.