As Quakers, our meetings for worship are open to all. We hope that our communities can offer a welcome to everyone, and that all those who come together for worship can experience a sense of belonging.

We want our values to be active in the world, and for Quakers to be well known and understood.

These pages include information for Friends who want to help new people find Quaker communities. There are also resources to help us act in faith on peace and social justice and to be well connected wherever we are.

A key strand of our work is helping people to find Quakers and feel welcome when they come to worship. We recognise that the journey from initial contact to regularly attending worship can take time. We offer support to people involved in outreach through our national online network, locally through our development workers, and by providing a range of materials to attract new people.

You can also read about our support for Quaker chaplaincy. Chaplains serve in various settings and we offer opportunities for them to meet together both online and in person for training and support. Those considering whether chaplaincy might be for them can find out more about it at our online sessions. Specialist advice and guidance is also offered to Quaker Prison Chaplains.