We need pictures and video to illustrate our communications about Quakers. Without these, our communications will not stand out and will often go unnoticed.

Communications staff love using your photographs to help share our faith and publicise our work!

If you are sending us images

Quakers with 'Queer Quakers' banner

Before sending the photos please consider:

  • Are the images free of blurs?
  • Is it likely we can get permission from people in the photos to use their image? (if taken in a public place this is generally not needed)
  • Are the images yours to send?

We'd like to use the images in print and digital and they could be used for fundraising.

Please send the photos to photos@quaker.org.uk along with a very brief description of what's happening in the image(s). If you have lots of photographs please send us the best and let us know that you have more. Emails of over 36mb will not reach us.

If your images are suitable for use, then we'll get back to you to check permissions and a few details. If your images aren't suitable we'll safely delete your email and attachments.

Image of Edinburgh Pride by Portobello and Musselburgh Quaker Meeting.

Contact us

Website Manager
020 7663 1116