We need pictures and video to illustrate our communications about Quakers. Without these, our communications will not stand out and will often go unnoticed.

Photography and video at Yearly Meeting 2024

Yearly Meeting is our best opportunity of the year to take photographs of Friends together. Over the weekend we will be making videos and taking photographs in and around Friends House. We want lots of images of Friends interacting, taking a quiet moment, buying a coffee... But Friends' well-being, comfort and enjoyment at Yearly Meeting is our priority.

How to join in

Just do what you usually do and try to ignore the cameras. If you feel staff are being too intrusive, please do tell us or simply put your hand between your face and the camera. We understand and we'll take the hint.

How to not be photographed

When you booked to come to Yearly Meeting in-person you were asked if you gave permission for us to take your photograph and videoed. If you asked not to be photographed you should have been given a red lanyard for your ID badge. If you weren't please ask for one at the Information Desk.

As we film and photograph throughout the weekend we will try not to capture your image. When we process images we will delete any images that contain red lanyards.

If you can see staff filming please try and stay out of shot so we don't have to throw away valuable footage and photographs. If you think we may have caught you on film, please let us know. We are very approachable and it's helpful for us to meet you.

In session

Filming takes place at Yearly Meeting in sessions. Footage is livestreamed and may also be used for Quaker communications purposes to illustrate Yearly Meeting in session. Most video will be used with different sounds (i.e. music or a voiceover), and additional consent will be sought for anyone who might feature prominently in published videos. Anyone who does not want to appear in Quaker communications after Yearly Meeting can request a coloured lanyard, so they may be identified and kept out of published images.

After Session on Sunday at 12.30 small team of staff will come into The Light to film and take some photos for a short time. It's a fantastic photo opportunity for communications staff to get some really valuable stills and video. We really do appreciate it if people can stay, but there is no obligation.

Photographing children

If you booked children in your care on to the children's programme you were asked to give permission for us to take photographs of your child. The volunteers on the programmes will know which children can't be photographed and will tell the photographers.

If you sent a snap of your child to BYM staff for us to exclude your child from the official photographs, then your snaps will be checked against all our photographs.

If you are taking photographs

Please be respectful. Ask permission if you are going to share on social media. Please don't take images of children without ensuring you have the permission of their responsible adult.

Contact us

Website Manager
020 7663 1116