A place for insight, analysis and action.
6 January 2025
Meeting houses: necessity... or luxury?
by Antonia Swinson
In this guest blog, Antonia Swinson, CEO of the Ethical Property Foundation, reflects on what role Quaker meeting houses play in Quaker life and whether we can afford them.
3 July 2024
5 reasons to celebrate the work of nominations committees
by Zoe Prosser
Zoe Prosser shares her love for the role of nominations committees in supporting Quaker work.
12 June 2024
Meeting for Sufferings: a creative and vibrant body?
by Stevie Krayer
A recent blog post raised the question of whether changes to the role of Meeting for Sufferings in 2006 had freed it up to be a more creative and vibrant body over the longer term. Stevie Krayer, a former member of Meeting for Sufferings, reflects on that question.
23 November 2023
Travelling in the ministry: sharing joy and community
by Matt Rosen
Travelling to visit and worship with Friends in other Quaker meetings can be one form of ministry. Matt Rosen shares his experience so far.
22 May 2023
Getting things in proportion
by Kit Fotheringham
Kit Fotheringham, Britain Yearly Meeting Trustee, shares different models of giving to explore what a "right proportion of money" might be to support Quaker work.
15 March 2023
Children at Yearly Meeting: reflections from a parent
by Jessica Metheringham
Jessica Metheringham talks about how excited her children are for Yearly Meeting, when Quakers in Britain come together to worship, make decisions and spend time as a community.
14 March 2023
From policy to practice: safeguarding the most vulnerable
by Nick Folkard
Following a report into child sexual abuse in religious settings, Quakers in Britain adopted new safeguarding guidance for Quaker meetings. Nick Folkard explains how York Area Meeting changed its approach.
1 March 2023
A youthful Yearly Meeting
by Jude Acton
Jude Acton tells us what's on offer for children and young people at Yearly Meeting 2023.
1 January 2023
What does Quaker community look like in 2023?
by Paul Parker
As a new year begins, Paul Parker looks at what might lie ahead.
22 December 2022
Nurturing the spiritual life of our communities
by Bridget Holtom
Bridget Holtom reflects on the value of coming together to pause and take stock of what is at the core of our Quaker lives – worship and spiritual nurture.