A place for insight, analysis and action.
14 August 2024
Straight, not narrow: John Lampen addresses some misconceptions over the Peace Testimony
by John Lampen
"It's not part of our tradition to say we must always be silent or neutral in the face of evil."
25 July 2024
6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world
by Anna Lewis & Dixe Wills
Anna Lewis and Dixe Wills shine a light on Quaker hopes for our new government.
27 June 2024
Peace and the general election: where do the parties stand?
by Dixe Wills
Dixe Wills looks at the political party manifestos in the upcoming general election. Where do they stand on building the foundations of a safer world?
16 May 2024
Stepping forward for peace: a public display of unity and peace
by Joe Holtaway
Joe Holtaway reflects on the multi-faith peace walk in January 2024 and invites people to join the next one on Sunday 23 June.
25 April 2024
Teach Peace Secondary: a timely education resource
by Isabel Cartwright
In a world racked by war, there is growing demand for peace education. Isabel Cartwright looks at how schools are responding to debates on peace and justice and introduces a new resource that's already helping young people engage with these critical issues.
8 February 2024
Refusing to kill: conscription and conscience
by Rosemary Rich
Conscription has been in the news in Britain – but young people should know about our proud history of conscientious objection, writes Rosemary Rich.
21 December 2023
Why I am still a pacifist
by Tim Gee
How do we stay true to our peace testimony in times of war? Many Quakers struggle with this difficult question. Tim Gee reflects on the spiritual and practical considerations involved.
30 November 2023
Peer mediation: handling conflict in schools
by Ben Harper
Peer mediation schemes are making a difference to school communities across the country. Ben Harper shares information about training now being offered to those who want to deliver this work in schools.
15 November 2023
Why does taking action for just peace in Palestine and Israel support our work for climate justice?
by Rebecca WalkerWoo
There will be no climate justice if we fail to protect everyone's basic human rights and work towards equality, argues Rebecca WalkerWoo.
10 November 2023
5 ways to witness for peace
by Clare Wood
Clare Wood shares ways you can take action for a just peace for Palestine and Israel.