A place for insight, analysis and action.
6 March 2025
How to read the Bible like a Quaker
by Tim Gee
Tim Gee reflects on how Quakers read the Bible and introduces the World Quaker Day theme of 'Love Your Neighbour'.
21 November 2024
Foundations and future: meeting for worship and the confident voice of early Friends
by Jonathan Baynham
Jo Baynham reflects on early Quaker insights around Quaker ways of worship and how this forms the foundation of Quaker worship today.
21 February 2024
Informed prayer, prayerful action: a call from Palestinian Christians
by Judy Mason
'Informed prayer, prayerful action' describes the World Day of Prayer (WDP) movement. The reading for this year's service on Friday 1 March is from Ephesians 4:2, "I beg you… bear with one another in love." Judy Mason explores the theme behind this year's World Day of Prayer.
7 September 2023
Taking my seat again: four years being Churches Together in England's 'Empty Chair' President
by Hannah Brock Womack
Having come to the end of her four-year term as Fourth President, Hannah Brock Womack shares her experience of being prevented from taking up the role for being married to woman.
31 August 2023
Solidarity, friendship and faith in climate justice
by Rosh Lal
The final module of the Exploring Faith and Climate Justice course considers solidarity across movements. Rosh Lal explores what solidarity means in practice for faith communities in the UK who are taking action on climate.
21 August 2023
Living the spirit of ubuntu: preparing for World Quaker Day
by Tim Gee
In preparation for World Quaker Day on 1 October, Tim Gee shares some thoughts on the word ubuntu, and why Friends are talking about it.
26 April 2023
Quaker marriage: a history of celebrating a spiritual commitment
by Michael Booth
Married in the eyes of God or the eyes of the law? Michael Booth looks at the Quaker commitment between two people and God, and its occasionally strained relationship with the law of the land.
31 January 2023
Fundamentalism, faith and the power of story
by Alistair Fuller
Alistair Fuller reflects on what His Dark Materials has to say about spirituality and a well-lived life.
1 January 2023
What does Quaker community look like in 2023?
by Paul Parker
As a new year begins, Paul Parker looks at what might lie ahead.
9 November 2022
Walking together as people of faith
by Lynda Williams
13 November marks the start of Inter Faith Week 2022. Lynda Williams reflects on what makes it so meaningful.