A place for insight, analysis and action.
15 May 2018
Why we must talk about conscientious objection
by Marigold Bentley
On Conscientious Objectors' Day, Marigold Bentley reflects on the personal moral commitment of refusing to kill and the statement it makes to wider society.
10 May 2018
Buddhists, Quakers and Catholics unite in resistance against fracking
by Emily Dervišević
Emily Dervišević reflects on a visit to Lancashire, where Quakers are coordinating interfaith spiritual activism to protect the Earth's resources.
8 May 2018
Our faith, our work: a look back at 2017
by Paul Parker
With the launch of our latest annual review, we take the opportunity to celebrate a vibrant year of Quaker activity.
2 May 2018
Telling our stories: exploring the Quaker way
by Alistair Fuller
Quaker faith is rooted in personal and communal experience. Alistair Fuller reflects on the freedom and discipline involved in exploring the Quaker way.
27 April 2018
Making meetings simpler
by Helen Drewery
Helen Drewery describes how a new project will support growing Quaker efforts to make our meetings simpler to run.
23 April 2018
Think global, act local
by Jessica Metheringham
Changing the world starts with the local. Jessica Metheringham explores why we should care about local government and the upcoming English local elections.
20 April 2018
Syria: 6 things you can do
by Sahdya Darr
Following UK military action in Syria, Sahdya Darr suggests six things you can do.
20 April 2018
Could Quakerism be the radical faith that the millennial generation is looking for?
by Chris Venables
After a year of working with young adult Quakers, Chris Venables shares three ways to welcome in young people seeking something more from life.
18 April 2018
Why the Windrush scandal is symptomatic of Britain's 'hostile environment'
by Juliet Prager
Deportation threats made to the Windrush generation are the latest example of the government's immigration policy negatively impacting ordinary people's lives, says Juliet Prager.
6 April 2018
Quaker funerals: community and contribution
by Paul Parker
Paul Parker explores what happens at a Quaker funeral – a simple meeting where all present are able to share reflections and memories.