A place for insight, analysis and action.
31 August 2022
Giving in a time of uncertainty
by Beth Follini
As the cost of living spirals, Beth Follini looks at how the principle of equal generosity can continue to sustain Quaker work.
11 August 2022
The legacy of colonialism: dialogue and the return of ancestral remains
by Judith Baker
Judith Baker shares the story of the process of repatriating Naga ancestral remains from the Pitt Rivers Museum.
4 August 2022
Beyond the emergency: what I've learnt about communicating the climate crisis
by Olivia Hanks
Olivia Hanks examines the term 'climate emergency' and explains why it isn't always a helpful framing for climate action.
13 July 2022
Remembering Srebrenica
by Oliver Robertson
Twenty-seven years after the killings, Oliver Robertson considers the lessons of Srebrenica and other atrocities.
30 June 2022
Targets vs delivery: addressing Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions
by Andrew Tomlinson
Andrew Tomlinson shares some of the challenges of meeting Scotland's climate targets.
22 June 2022
Join the climate justice year of learning
by Paul Parker
Paul Parker invites people to participate in a year of learning and spiritual reflection on climate justice.
15 June 2022
Would Little Amal go to Rwanda this year?
by Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network
Fred Ashmore discusses the harshening hostile environment for refugees and asylum seekers and shares what a response rooted in love and justice could look like.
25 May 2022
What do Friends need from Quaker decision-making bodies?
by Sarah Donaldson
Sarah Donaldson invites Quakers to get involved in a review of decision-making at Quakers in Britain.
18 May 2022
The slide to authoritarianism: what's next in parliament?
by Grace Da Costa
As one parliamentary session comes to an end and another begins, Grace Da Costa reflects on what we've learned and what lies ahead.
18 May 2022
Heeding the voice of conscience: a call to continued action
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks reflects on the message of International Conscientious Objectors' Day and the call to renounce violence in all its forms.