A place for insight, analysis and action.
6 December 2023
Building Quaker community
by Maisa Monteiro
Maísa Monteiro and Ann Pfeiffer introduce the theme that inspired this year's Contribution pack.
30 November 2023
Peer mediation: handling conflict in schools
by Ben Harper
Peer mediation schemes are making a difference to school communities across the country. Ben Harper shares information about training now being offered to those who want to deliver this work in schools.
23 November 2023
Travelling in the ministry: sharing joy and community
by Matt Rosen
Travelling to visit and worship with Friends in other Quaker meetings can be one form of ministry. Matt Rosen shares his experience so far.
23 November 2023
What next for loss and damage at COP28?
by Rebecca WalkerWoo
The COP28 climate talks start on Thursday 30 November. Rebecca WalkerWoo looks at progress on the loss and damage fund since COP27 and why we need to keep the pressure up.
15 November 2023
Why does taking action for just peace in Palestine and Israel support our work for climate justice?
by Rebecca WalkerWoo
There will be no climate justice if we fail to protect everyone's basic human rights and work towards equality, argues Rebecca WalkerWoo.
10 November 2023
5 ways to witness for peace
by Clare Wood
Clare Wood shares ways you can take action for a just peace for Palestine and Israel.
26 October 2023
How can educators respond to events in Palestine and Israel?
by Ellis Brooks
It feels more important than ever to teach peace, but it can seem like it's never been harder. How can we be brave educators? Ellis Brooks shares his thoughts on some of the issues schools are facing.
13 October 2023
5 solidarity actions you can take for Palestine and Israel
by EAPPI UK & Ireland
The scale of the violence and harm to civilians is unprecedented. The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel share actions you can take in solidarity.
9 October 2023
Challenging social injustices in the midst of political and economic challenges in Kenya
by Benard Agona
Benard Agona shares how war in Ukraine, global food prices, the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are all putting pressure on ongoing peace work in Kenya.
4 October 2023
Peacebuilding and nonviolence – the demanding context of working in Rwanda
by Daniel Nteziyaremye
Daniel Nteziyaremye shares how climate change, Covid-19 and high inflation is impacting peacebuilding work in Rwanda.