A place for insight, analysis and action.
11 September 2024
Keeping immigration detention centres closed
by Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network
Bridget Walker highlights the need to keep immigration detention centres closed and shares what Friends can do to help.
10 September 2024
A reflection on 25 years of the Scottish Parliament
by Sarah Komashko
As the Scottish Parliament celebrates its 25th anniversary, Sarah Komashko reflects on Quaker engagement.
4 September 2024
Sharing our lives and living in the Spirit: reflections from the Quaker World Plenary
by Adrian Glamorgan
Adrian Glamorgan, Executive Secretary for Asia West Pacific Section of Friends World Committee for Consultation, reports back from the Quaker World Plenary.
21 August 2024
Lloyd's of London: underwriting exploitation?
by Anna Lewis
Growing from a small 17th century coffeehouse to a gleaming glass and metal financial headquarters today, Lloyd's of London has played a role in 300 years of British history, including the transatlantic slave trade. But are their actions in the present in line with what they have to say about that history?
14 August 2024
Straight, not narrow: John Lampen addresses some misconceptions over the Peace Testimony
by John Lampen
"It's not part of our tradition to say we must always be silent or neutral in the face of evil."
7 August 2024
Dispatches from the Quaker World Plenary
by Marghuerita Remi-Judah
Marghuerita Remi-Judah describes life at the Quaker World Plenary being held in South Africa and online from 5-12 August.
1 August 2024
Charting a path post-election
by Billy Vaughan
Billy Vaughan writes about how we can best influence the new government and parliament more generally.
1 August 2024
Stifling dissent: why the erosion of protest rights should worry us all
by Paul Parker
Paul Parker reflects on the erosion of protest rights and shares why people who are moved by conscience to break the law should be allowed to explain why in court.
25 July 2024
6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world
by Anna Lewis & Dixe Wills
Anna Lewis and Dixe Wills shine a light on Quaker hopes for our new government.
18 July 2024
Learning from other Yearly Meetings
by Sarah Donaldson & Michael Booth
Sarah Donaldson and Michael Booth discuss what they have learned from north American Friends about their structures in preparation for Yearly Meeting 2024.