A place for insight, analysis and action.
21 December 2018
Quaker solidarity with the Stansted 15 human rights activists
by Tatiana Garavito
What does Quaker solidarity look like? For those on trial for preventing a deportation flight, it involved food, accommodation, and moral support
17 December 2018
How Quakers can push for a just UK immigration system in 2019
by Jessica Metheringham
Our immigration system is broken. Now may be an opportunity to transform the dominant culture that dehumanises people and ignores the root causes of the so-called 'migrant crisis.'
10 December 2018
Migrant rights are human rights
by Quaker United Nations Office
Cassidy McKenna explains how Quakers can use a new UN agreement to push for a more welcoming and humane environment for migrants to Britain.
6 December 2018
Go for zero to stop climate breakdown
by Chris Walker
The clock is ticking. It's time for the UK government to walk the walk on climate policy.
23 November 2018
How Quakers can challenge Islamophobia
by Sahdya Darr
Sahdya Darr reflects on how Quakers can act in solidarity with Muslims.
19 November 2018
Peace is possible
by Marigold Bentley
On the centenary of the end of World War I, Marigold Bentley reflects on the promise of 'never again' and the enduring need for peace.
25 October 2018
Could you be a prison chaplain?
by Marleen Schepers
Quaker prison chaplains provide spiritual support and friendship to prisoners and staff – and we need more of them in British prisons says Marleen Schepers.
23 October 2018
Never again? Inspiring peace for Remembrance Day
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks explains how a UK-wide youth project is marking the centenary of the end of WWI by offering children another perspective on war.
15 October 2018
Why are there foodbanks in a rich country?
by Ben Foley
Millions of people in the UK are dependent on food banks to survive. Ben Foley shares an opportunity for Quakers to protect and improve Britain's broken social security system.
2 October 2018
Choosing nonviolence in the midst of war
by Ellis Brooks
In the midst of war and suicide bombings, Afghan Peace Volunteers choose nonviolence – Ellis Brooks reflects on that commitment.