A place for insight, analysis and action.
11 November 2021
What the world needs from COP26
by Olivia Hanks
Olivia Hanks sets out four things COP26 still needs to include to set us on a path to a just and liveable future.
14 October 2021
How to get involved in COP26
by Oonagh Ryder
With the COP26 UN climate talks just around the corner, Oonagh Ryder shares ways to join with others and demand action at this crucial time.
22 September 2021
Why we’re calling for polluters to pay for the damage they cause
by Olivia Hanks
Olivia Hanks explains why finance for loss and damage needs to be a key part of COP26 negotiations.
1 September 2021
Spiritual support for climate action
by Tracey Martin
Do you sometimes feel spiritually lost, burn out or doubt that you are making a difference? Tracey Martin shares how spiritual accompaniment can support and sustain climate action.
19 July 2021
Not zero: why we should be wary of ‘net zero’ climate targets
by Olivia Hanks
Olivia Hanks explains why carbon emission targets need to move on from 'net zero'.
29 April 2021
Taking action on climate – and beyond
by Rebecca WalkerWoo
Our new social action resource focuses on key climate justice moments this year but is also useful for anyone looking to make change happen, says Rebecca Woo.
16 April 2021
Journey to COP26: an inner journey
by Bernie and Lawrence Jordan
Bernie and Lawrence Jordan reflect on their Journey to COP26 into the caves under the Yorkshire Dales.
8 April 2021
Inspiring the journey to COP26
by Anne Curtis
Anne Curtis shares her experience of the Australian wildfires and how it prompted her to take action to raise awareness of the UN climate talks, COP26.
23 February 2021
UN climate talks: 6 ways for Quakers to secure our climate future
by Oonagh Ryder
Oonagh Ryder looks at how Quakers can share their vision for a sustainable and just climate future ahead of crucial COP26 talks this November.
3 February 2021
Reflecting on our action for the planet
by Helen Gamsa
Helen Gamsa shares how Sustainability advices and queries have helped spiritually underpin how Bristol Quakers address the climate crisis.