A place for insight, analysis and action.
10 September 2020
6 principles for a green and just recovery
by Olivia Hanks
We need to come together to ensure that climate justice is central to the post-Covid future of our economy, says Olivia Hanks.
8 June 2020
It's time to Build Back Better for a safe and just future
by Olivia Hanks
'Normal' was failing millions of people. Olivia Hanks looks at ways to get involved in the campaign to #BuildBackBetter from the Covid-19 pandemic.
26 May 2020
What is climate justice?
by Rebecca WalkerWoo
What does justice have to do with climate campaigning? Rebecca Woo explores the connection, and shares how Quakers are taking action in this area.
29 April 2020
A Quaker climate striker talks campaigning through lockdown
by Lyndsay Burtonshaw
Self-care and Zoom calls: 18-year-old Quaker Anya Nanning Ramamurthy speaks to Lyndsay Burtonshaw about the practicalities of continuing climate strikes online.
24 February 2020
It’s time for schools to teach the climate and ecological crisis
by Olivia Hanks
The Youth 4 Climate school strikers are calling for a better education. Olivia Hanks looks at their important new campaign Teach the Future.
7 February 2020
Learning and leading: Quaker climate action in 2020
by Oonagh Ryder
In the build-up to COP26, Oonagh Ryder outlines how she can support Quakers who are working to put people and the planet before profit.
1 January 2020
Our faith, our community: a reality check for 2020
by Paul Parker
As a turbulent new year begins, Paul Parker looks at the current state of British Quakerism through three different lenses – and finds hope for the future.
21 December 2019
Quaker faith in action in the 2010s: highlights from the decade
by Suki Ferguson
At the end of a tumultuous decade, Suki Ferguson looks back at just a few of the highlights.
25 October 2019
Tackling the climate emergency: what can councils do?
by Olivia Hanks
In less than a year more than half the UK's local authorities have declared a 'climate emergency'. Livvy Hanks outlines 7 things your council can do to make a difference.
27 August 2019
6 ways Quakers can support the global climate strike
by Paul Parker
Quakers in Britain will stand in solidarity with climate strikers on 20 September. Paul Parker looks at different ways to get involved in the strike.