A place for insight, analysis and action.
16 January 2025
From grief to hope: the enduring power of nonviolent resistance to Assad
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks reflects on the history of nonviolent civil resistance in Syria and asks what we can all learn about standing up to injustice.
26 October 2023
How can educators respond to events in Palestine and Israel?
by Ellis Brooks
It feels more important than ever to teach peace, but it can seem like it's never been harder. How can we be brave educators? Ellis Brooks shares his thoughts on some of the issues schools are facing.
11 May 2023
What next for Ofsted?
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks takes a look at whether the school inspection regime in England helps promote positive peace in schools.
24 January 2023
Have you seen the time?
by Ellis Brooks
As the Doomsday Clock reaches 90 seconds to midnight, Ellis Brooks calls for more nuclear disarmament education.
18 May 2022
Heeding the voice of conscience: a call to continued action
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks reflects on the message of International Conscientious Objectors' Day and the call to renounce violence in all its forms.
24 November 2021
Our shared world won't wait
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks explains why educators are teaching climate justice and promoting active citizenship while those in power drag their feet.
22 April 2021
What's wrong with the Armed Forces Bill?
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks outlines the key Quaker concerns about the Armed Forces Bill, including under-18 recruitment and Armed Forces Covenants.
8 October 2020
9 voices the Department for Education would ban from schools
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks questions new guidance for English schools that silences discussion of capitalism and breaking unjust laws.
21 January 2020
What’s wrong with Prevent?
by Ellis Brooks
Prevent fostered racism before police labelled Extinction Rebellion as extremists. Quakers are joining voices raised in opposition to the government's counter-terrorism strategy.
15 February 2019
Climate strike: young people demand action
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks and Isabel Cartwright from the Peace Education team heard about the UK Climate Strike, so they went to Westminster to see what was happening. Ellis writes about what they found.