Quaker communities
This section includes a range of support offered by Quaker Life for Quaker meetings and communities. Please see below for the areas of support offered to Friends. You can either go to the subject areas or directly to the pages in these areas. The news feed on this page features articles aimed specifically at Quaker meetings and communities.
Latest news
West Yorkshire Travelling Children's Meeting
22 July 2024
In West Yorkshire about fifteen Quaker families are getting together every three months for a 'travelling children's Meeting', with worship, lunch and social activities.
Stoke Quakers raise money with a Peace walk with Samud Palestine in June
29 July 2024
In late June, Sumud Palestine and Stoke Quaker Meeting came together to Walk for Peace. They met at the Friends Meeting House at Newcastle under Lyme and set off on a circular walk taking in Brampton Park. The purpose of the walk was to raise money for social justice charities in Palestine and Israel.
Quakers gathered in Scarborough in July to plan for a new Yorkshire Quaker Camp starting next August
15 July 2024
A mixed age group of Quakers from across Yorkshire met at Worfolk Cottage near Scarborough last weekend, to plan next summer's first Yorkshire Quaker Camp.