We are a group of Friends from across Edinburgh. We aim to meet monthly for a social gathering, and in the past have been for a walk up Arthur's seat, played games, shared soup and attended the Central Edinburgh Quakers' winter Ceilidh together. We have an email list and Facebook page, but most of the organising gets done on our Whatsapp group. Members of the group regularly go to central Edinburgh Quaker Meeting and South Edinburgh Quaker Meeting for Sunday Meeting for Worship.
Glasgow Young Adult Friends (teen to 35ish) meet Monday fortnightly 7:30-8:00pm for an Epilogue worship in person and online.
Northern England
Newcastle Young Friends Group is for anyone between 18 and 35(ish) who is interested in Quakerism. You don't need to be a Quaker or religious to join. For updates and events:
Leeds Young Friends Group meets around once a month for a social meet up, usually at one of our houses or a pub. We also go on trips and take part in other activities, previously we have taken part in pub quizzes, walks, meals out, an evening at the trampoline park and a day trip to Whitby. We are keen to hear further ideas and plan other trips for the coming months. We also share information, opportunities and details of general Quaker and non-Quaker events.
Central England
Birmingham Young Adult Friends meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Selly Oak Meeting House, from 6-8pm.
We have a short meeting for worship followed by food and conversation.
For more information please contact Hilary Topp, Local Development Worker
The Nottingham Young Quakers group (NYQ) is for those aged between 18 and 35(ish) who are interested in Quakerism. You don't need to be a Quaker or religious, just interested in spirituality and exploring your own thoughts & values. We meet regularly, on average once a week, to socialise together and take part in spiritual discussions.
We want NYQ to be a safe space for all people, regardless of gender identity, orientation, ethnicity, disability, beliefs or any other factor.
For more information, see our website.
Oxford Young Adult Friends meet every Monday at 7pm at 43 St Giles, Oxford. We have a half hour meeting for worship followed by a time for chatting and a baked-potato supper. Once a month, on the first Monday, we have an all-age worship followed by a bring-and-share supper. Everyone is welcome!
- Email:
Eastern England
Jesus Lane Young Adult Quakers meet each Tuesday evening for 30-minutes of shared silent worship, after which we usually share a meal and an activity. All who feel they answer to the word 'young' are very welcome to attend! Please contact if you have any queries, or if you would like to join our WhatsApp group or Discord Server.
South West England
Bristol Young Friends meet at Redland Meeting House. We share food, play board games, table tennis etc. and occasionally organise outdoor trips further afield. Please feel free to bring food or games to share, newcomers and their friends are always welcome.
The Exeter Young Friends meet fortnightly (from May 1st) at 6pm at the Exeter Meeting House. We gather for 45 minutes of evening worship and a shared meal. All Young (18-35ish) Quakers and Attendees are welcome.
London and the South East
London Young Adult Quaker Meeting is a gathering for 18 to 35(ish) year olds in and around London. (The age restriction is not strict.) Quakers, the Quaker-ish, and the Quaker-curious are welcome. No previous experience of Quakerism necessary. Join for socialising and worship at Westminster Friends Meeting House from 5pm to 6.30pm on the first and third Sunday of every month. On months with a fifth Sunday, LYAQM holds a themed discussion at the same time and place.
For more information, contact LYAQM on Instagram @lyaqmeeting
Brighton Young Quakers are a group of 18-35 year olds who meet together to worship, drink tea, discuss the big ideas, do craft activities and more. We are Quakers, Quaker-ish and Quaker-interested. No previous experience of Quakerism is necessary; we will be very happy to answer any questions you have about our way of doing things.