Living as our Beliefs is a small book with short simple passages and thoughtful quotations introducing different aspects of Quakerism, developed and edited by young Quakers. It is available from the Quaker bookshop or as a pdf here. Living Our Beliefs (PDF)
To find out about events which Britain Yearly Meeting puts on for young people to connect, have fun, explore their spirituality and Quaker faith, see our events page for more details and links to specific events.
Take Part (14-30)
There are a number of ways that you can take part and connect to both Quaker and other opportunities:
- Volunteer for events for children and young people (16+)
- Research opportunities to be involved in decisions that affect you and the organization you are part of (14-21)
- Getting involved in activism
- Work from the Be the Change resource (11-18) through to study bursaries and events and voluntary opportunities (for young adults)
Facilitation and Leadership (16-21)
Takes place annually in autumn.
The weekend is a dynamic combination of theory and opportunities to apply learning about Facilitation and Leadership using practical activities. There will be discussions, activities, group work and role-plays. The skills developed may be immediately useful in Quaker youth group settings, or help build confidence when working with any team and in many other situations later in life.
“Probably the most useful weekend I have ever attended, it will be incredibly valuable in the outside world."
Young Friends General Meeting (18-35)
The national organization for Quakers aged 18–35. They hold in person gatherings and online events.
Visit Young Friends General Meeting website
Young Adult Quakers (18-35)
We welcome and value young adults as part of the Quaker community. We hope to support and empower young adult Quakers to be part of a dynamic faith community.
Visit Young Adult Quaker webpages