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Displaying 11 - 20 of 31 in total


How to heal divided communities: 5 tips from East African peace campaigners

Updated 23 January 2020

Quakers in Britain support small East African peace organisations to train community peacebuilders. I take a look at what we can learn from their achievements.

How to heal divided communities: 5 tips from East African peace campaigners


3 things that East African community peace campaigners can teach us

Updated 18 February 2020

“I'm 66 years old, but my skin is still young. I think that's because of my work as a peacebuilder." Sizeli, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide, says this to me with a big smile on his face.

3 things that East African community peace campaigners can teach us


3 things to expect from the Scottish Parliament that aren’t an independence referendum

Updated 19 May 2021

The sixth session of the Scottish Parliament has now begun. While a great deal of coverage of the election has focussed on the prospect of a second independence referendum, there are other issues we should expect to see on the political horizon.

3 things to expect from the Scottish parliament that aren’t an independence referendum


5 ways to support women in immigration detention this International Women’s Day

Created 7 March 2018

Earlier this year I celebrated the centenary of women's right to vote in the UK. I remembered, though, that not all UK women had that right even after 1918. Worse, the state continues to ignore the human rights of many women in the UK today.

5 ways to support women in immigration detention this International Women’s Day


Committee Handbook

Updated 1 February 2017

Management Meeting 21/3/06 agreed the paper Trustees, committee members and individual Friends: guidance on contact with staff.

Contact with staff.pdf


Papers and minutes

Updated 22 January 2021

Feb 21 Sufferings



New economy booklets

Updated 28 June 2018

june 2018 upload of new economy session plan for booklet 5



Exploring Faith and Climate Justice

Updated 31 March 2023

Module 5: Living in right relationship with the Earth (PDF, 2.8MB)



Get involved!

Updated 26 February 2016

No Title



Teaching resources

Updated 25 January 2019

Part of the Teach Peace pack, 2015

Assembly 5 - Beddgelert - NM.pdf