The BYM Committee Handbook is an essential resource for any member of a BYM committee. Paper copies are not currently available but the full handbook is available on this page.


Download the Britain Yearly Meeting Committee Handbook

This handbook is for anyone serving or about to serve on any of the national committees that are responsible for the centrally managed work of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM).

Resources referenced in the BYM Committee Handbook

(October 2016 version)

Chapter 1: Being a member of a national committee

  1. Our faith in the future
  2. Britain Yearly Meeting Communications Strategy - please ask your committee secretary.
  3. Speaking out as Quakers: advice for meetings
  4. Guidance on public statements - Qf&p 3.27 and 3.28
  5. Quaker service information form (QSIF)

Chapter 2: The broad role and function of committees

  1. Our faith in the future
  2. Britain Yearly Meeting Operational Plan - please ask your committee secretary.
  3. Quakers in Britain: a short guide to our structures
  4. Directory of services (also available from your meeting library)
  5. Making good decisions (appendix 2 of 'Making decisions in Meeting for Sufferings: a report by Meting for Sufferings Committee Working Group on the Decision-Making Process of Meeting for Sufferings, 2006

Please contact your committee secretary for your committee terms of reference and policy papers and minutes.

Chapter 3: Governance

  1. Our faith in the future
  2. Quakers in Britain: a short guide to our structures
  3. Governing document of Britain Yearly Meeting
  4. Quaker faith & practice
  5. For more on gospel order see:

Chapter 4: The relationship between committees and staff

  1. Trustees, committee members and individual Friends: guidance on contact with staff - Management Meeting 21/3/06

Chapter 5: Some specific issues

  1. 'Managing conflicts of interest'. BYM Trustees paper T07/03/3
  2. Britain Yearly Meeting policy on data safety and information security
  3. Britain Yearly Meeting complaints procedure
  4. Britain Yearly Meeting Whistleblowing procedure

Chapter 6: Clerking a national committee

  1. Quaker faith & practice chapter 3
  2. Woodbrooke courses and events programme, email
  3. Morley, Barry (1993) Beyond consensus: salvaging sense of the meeting. Pendle Hill Pamphlet 307. Wallingford (PA): Pendle Hill. Available from the .
  4. Quaker Service Information form (QSIF)

Contact us

Information and enquiries should be sent the BYM Nominations Team.

Please contact us by email or phone 020 7663 1106.