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Filtered by subject 'peace'

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Church leaders united in response to Covid-19

Updated 6 April 2020

Paul Parker, the Recording Clerk for Quakers in Britain, with Church leaders from denominations across Britain and Ireland, have today issued this statement.

Church leaders united in response to Covid-19 pandemic


Marking 25 years since Srebrenica

Updated 10 July 2020

11 July 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide. In 1995 8,372 mainly Bosnian Muslim men and boys were killed by Bosnian Serb forces. Srebrenica is a town in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Marking 25 years since Srebrenica


Working for peace in East Africa during the Covid-19 crisis

Updated 29 April 2020

Coronavirus has now reached East Africa. Unlike many European countries, most governments in East Africa were very quick to impose movement restrictions in an effort to lessen the spread of the virus.

Working for peace in East Africa during the Covid-19 crisis


Syria: 6 things you can do

Updated 19 April 2018

In recent weeks my mind has been occupied with thoughts of Syria. I have spent a lot of time reading the reactions of Syrian activists in the diaspora to the launch of airstrikes, and listening to what my Syrian friends thought, many of whom still have family living there. For those of us not directly impacted by the conflict, and who haven't experienced the unimaginable suffering and loss as a result, what can we do?

Syria: 6 things you can do


Building a lasting peace: 25 years of the Good Friday Agreement

Updated 6 April 2023

Most people over the age of about 35 with a connection to Northern Ireland will remember the Good Friday Agreement being signed. I do. I grew up just outside Belfast and at Easter 1998 when the Agreement was formalised I was 12 years old, on a canal boat somewhere in England. I wasn't blessed with keen political insight, but even I dimly grasped that what I was hearing on the radio was important.

Building a lasting peace: 25 years of the Good Friday Agreement


6 actions you can take for Palestine and Israel

Updated 10 June 2021

We welcomed with deep relief the end to the recent round of bombing in Gaza and firing of rockets into Israel. But while the world's attention may have moved on, the violence and structural oppression of the military occupation of Palestine has not ended and the struggle for equal rights continues.

6 actions you can take for Palestine and Israel


Why should we protest against DSEI?

Updated 3 August 2023

In 2019, when I was 15, I attended a protest against the Defence and Security Equipment International arms fair (DSEI) alongside hundreds of peace activists, many of whom were Quakers. We gathered outside the ExCel centre in London to block the entrance, share art, sing, and hold meetings for worship in remembrance of the countless victims of war.

Why should we protest against DSEI?


6 things we can learn from African peace activists about movement building

Updated 17 February 2020

What do we need to build a movement for social change? It's a question we should all ask ourselves if we are going to create the kind of society we wish to see. It's also something that African colleagues consider on a daily basis as they support local communities to take action for social change.

6 things we can learn from African peace activists about movement building


6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world

Updated 25 July 2024

Now that the UK has a new government, many will be watching to see how Labour's campaign translates into reality. We'll be hoping, of course, that it will result in positive changes for two topics that perhaps were not as prominent in the election campaign as we would have liked: climate justice and peace.

6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world