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Quakers at Greenbelt

Updated 27 August 2015

This year Quakers in Britain is an associate at Greenbelt festival of arts, faith and justice. We're hosting discussions and kite-making workshops as well as storytelling, songs, panel debates and meetings for worship in the Quaker dome.


Quakers urgently call for safe paths for refugees

Updated 14 September 2015

The representative body of Quakers in Britain, Meeting for Sufferings, has made the following statement in reaction to the unfolding refugee crisis.

Quakers urgently call for safe paths for refugees


White poppies and remembrance

Updated 10 November 2015

In the run up to Remembrance Day Quakers, along with many others, will be wearing white poppies. Some choose to wear both red and white poppies.

White poppies and remembrance


1915 a turning point in Quaker history

Updated 10 November 2015

New resources from Quakers in Britain draw parallels between Quaker work for peace in 1915 and today. The Testimony, is a fictional newspaper inspired by Quaker activities in World War I, while Remembering for Peace is a new assembly outline to encourage children to think about the impact of war and ways of remembering for peace.


Housing inequality

Updated 10 December 2015

Housing is a global issue and some of the solutions are on a scale where only governments can act. New legislation could be an opportunity to work on some of the complex problems at the heart of housing inequality.

Housing inequality


Quakers respond to terrorism

Updated 16 December 2015

As Parliament prepares to debate next steps in Syria, Quakers in Britain have made this statement.

Quakers responding to terrorism


Quakers oppose military action in Syria

Updated 14 November 2016

This week Parliament prepares to vote on military action in Syria. Quakers in Britain oppose this, consistent with our belief that killing is wrong.

Quakers say no to military action in Syria


Quakers deplore vote to authorise air strikes in Syria

Updated 16 December 2015

Quakers in Britain opposed the vote in the House of Commons tonight to extend air strikes to ISIS targets in Syria.The vote was 397 for and 223 votes against taking action in Syria.

Quakers deplore decision to extend air strikes


Seeking climate justice through Paris

Updated 16 December 2015

While world leaders are at the Paris climate summit, known as COP21, Quakers are putting huge efforts into raising awareness about their concerns for the planet and reverence for life. A new Quakernomics blog offers a taste of their activities.

Climate Justice through Paris


Settlers attack international human rights monitors

Updated 14 November 2016

International human rights monitors whose presence protects vulnerable schoolchildren – in Hebron, occupied Palestine – face verbal and physical attack by Israeli settlers.

Settlers attack international human rights monitors