Search results for 'Quaker Testimonies'

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Quaker communities news

Introducing Quaker Life

Updated 19 June 2023

Our dispersed team now has members within grasp of every Quaker meeting in Britain. It connects with Quaker communities of all shapes and sizes.

Introducing Quaker Life


Quaker life

Updated 22 September 2023

In this section you'll find out what it's like to come to a Quaker meeting for worship and meet some Quakers.

Quaker life

Quaker groups

Quaker Campers

Updated 7 August 2023

Quaker Campers provide opportunities for Quakers from all parts of Britain (and beyond) who enjoy camping to share the fellowship of camping together. Currently this consists of a one week family camp each summer.

Quaker Campers

Quaker groups

Quaker Rainbow

Updated 13 April 2023

Quaker Rainbow (previously the Quaker Gender and Sexual Diversity Community) brings together people of diverse sexual and/or gender identities within Quakers in Britain. It aims to provide a voice and a meeting space for the LGBT+ and queer community. This includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, intersex, transgender and gender non-binary Quakers, and Quakers interested in sexuality, gender identity and equality. They welcome others seeking an inclusive spiritual community.

Quaker Rainbow

Quaker groups

Quaker Roots

Updated 19 July 2023

Quaker Roots (previously “Roots of Resistance") is a community of Friends building a creative, vibrant and radical Quaker response to the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair.We are preparing to begin mobilising to take action again in 2023 – to stay up to date, sign up for email updates here.

Quaker Roots

Quaker communities

Quaker processes

Updated 21 November 2023

Our hope is for 'All Friends to understand and live by Quaker discipline'.

Quaker processes

Welcome, belonging and witness

Quaker chaplains

Updated 20 August 2024

Working in a variety of settings, including prisons, universities and hospitals, Quaker chaplains offer friendship and spiritual advice to people of all faiths and none.

Quaker chaplains

Quaker life

Quaker marriages

Updated 20 September 2023

Quaker weddings take the same simple, quiet form as the usual meetings for worship.

Quaker marriages

Quaker life

Quaker funerals

Updated 20 September 2023

This page is an introduction for anyone going to a Quaker funeral.

Quaker funerals