Quakers work to end war and violence at the roots and build a more peaceful world. That needs education to build positive relationships at all levels.

Quakers challenge war and violence. We promote education rooted in positive peace and justice. We work with educators, young people and partners to develop and share creative peace education resources and practice.


    Featured blog

    From the white board to the silver screen – filming peace education in the classroom

    ​Isabel Cartwright introduces a new series of short films on building peace in schools.

    Responding to military engagement in schools

    For schools to build peace, they also need to think about their responsibilities when approached by arms companies and the armed forces. Responding to military engagement in schools is a guide for schools in Britain to ensure they consider their duty to educational impartiality, children's rights and safety.

    Responding to military engagement in schools (PDF)

    For schools in Wales a bilingual version is available with resources relevant to the Welsh curriculum. Request English or bilingual (English/Welsh) physical copies by emailing peaceedu@quaker.org.uk.

    Below are the PDFs for schools in Wales:

    The case for peace education

    A new series of short films and forthcoming report Peace at the heart: A relational approach to education in British Schools make the case for integrating peace education into British schools.

    Go to The case for peace education page to view the videos.


    I feel peace education is about teaching children to discover that they have the power to change things they see are wrong and developing the imagination to find alternative responses to conflict.

    - Janet Galbraith, Quaker Faith and Practice 23.85

    [QUOTE-END] – Janet Galbraith, Quaker Faith and Practice 23.85The Sustainable Development Goals commit the UK to providing education to “promote a culture of peace and nonviolence" by 2030. Quakers in Britain are working to make that a reality.


    the way in which young people learn to respond to conflict will have a pervasive effect both on the quality of their personal lives and on the prospects for society as a whole

    - Tom Leimdorfer and Sue Bowers, Quaker Faith & Practice 24:54

    [QUOTE-END]Quakers work with educators, learners and partners to help make peace education available to all. We make the case for peace education both in schools and at government level.

    About peace education

    We believe schools can do more than “keep the peace". Everyone can be peacemakers, transforming conflict. And everyone can be peacebuilders, non-violently confronting injustice. In fact, preparation for life in the spirit of understanding and peace is a right guaranteed by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This promises education for children aiming at fostering 'the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes, and friendship among all peoples...'. Quakers are working to make that right a reality.

    Peace education builds positive relationships at different levels:

    • discovering the wonder and beauty within ourselves, nurturing inner peace.
    • developing the skills and attitudes needed to respond to conflict creatively and build relationships, encouraging interpersonal peace and intergroup peace.
    • examining the root causes of violence and war and exploring how to build peace world-wide.
    • understanding and valuing our relationship with the environment, building peace with the planet

    Quakers thinking about activities for their Meeting can also contact our colleagues in the Children and Young People's team.

    Building back better in schools

    Peace educators around Britain have helped develop the RESTORE framework to assist schools emerging from the pandemic crisis. RESTORE is a lens through which staff, children and parents can look at the strategy and plans needed for everyone's wellbeing in a fast-changing environment, and for a safe and healthy return to school.

    Peace education resources

    The Peace Education team and our partners produce a range of materials for use in schools and beyond. They can help pupils tackle matters of conscience while in the classroom – such as armed drones and non-violence – and develop skills to transform conflict.

    Find downloadable free resources.

    Order print materials from the Quaker Centre Bookshop.

    Check us out on TES Resources.

    Peace education partnerships


    By 2030 ensure all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development... human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity...

    - Sustainable Development Goal 4.7


    We work to help deliver Sustainable Development Goal 4.7 in Britain, partnering with the Our Shared World Campaign in England, IDEAS in Scotland and the Peace and Peace Education Group of Quakers in Wales.

    The Peace Education Network (offsite link) is a UK network that brings together people and organisations committed to education for peace.

    Peer Mediation is conflict resolution for young people by young people. The Peer Mediation Network (offsite link) brings together conflict resolution practitioners and educators committed to promoting peer mediation in schools and the wider community.

    The Peaceful Schools Movement is committed to developing more peaceful schools. Peaceful School Awards recognise the success of schools around England that have taken strides in different aspects of peace education. Visit the Peaceful Schools website (offsite link).

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