Featured on Instagram.

  • Quakers call for peacebuilding in violent times

    Quakers are offering solidarity and support to those affected by recent violence

  • Stifling dissent: why the erosion of protest rights should worry us all

    ​Paul Parker reflects on the erosion of protest rights and shares why people who are moved by conscience to break the law should be allowed to explain why in court.

  • 6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world

    Anna Lewis and Dixe Wills shine a light on Quaker hopes for our new government.

  • Quakers welcome landmark day for Palestine and Israel

    Quakers in Britain have published a statement on a landmark day for Palestine and Israel.

  • Teaching resources

    Download peace education teaching resources

  • Faith

    Quaker faith is a search for truth, not an arrival. We don't offer neat creeds or doctrine. Instead, we try to help each other work out how we should live. All people are welcome and accepted at a Quaker meeting.

  • Jobs

    Find a range of jobs with Quakers in Britain. With a 1:4 ratio between our highest and our lowest paid staff, we are a Living Wage employer.

  • Grant-making

    Grants are an important area of turning our faith into action. Through grants we support groups and individuals in work and development around our values.

  • The spiritual basis for Quaker climate action

    Quakers in Britain, Friends House NW1 2BJ. Early Quakers knew that to damage the earth just for human 'outward greatness' would be an injustice on future generations.

  • Contact us
