Search results for 'Living Faithfully'

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Displaying 11 - 20 of 26 in total


Faithfully maintaining our testimony against war

Updated 10 March 2022

Friends, let us hold in the Light the people of Ukraine. Let us hold in the Light the people of Russia. Let us hold in the Light the people of Afghanistan. Let us hold in the Light the people of Ethiopia. Let us hold in the Light the people of Myanmar. Let us hold in the Light those affected by conflicts we have forgotten or have never even heard of, because the consequences of war will scar lives just as they are doing in Kyiv. Let us hold in the Light the people working for peace. Let us hold in the Light the people who are not.

Faithfully maintaining our testimony against war


Living adventurously in lockdown

Updated 26 March 2020

What does it mean to be a living, loving community in a time of social distancing and lockdown? Last Sunday, most Quaker meeting houses in Britain were closed. For the first time in centuries, Quaker meetings had again gone underground.

Living adventurously in lockdown


A living heritage: sharing the significance of our Quaker meeting houses

Updated 17 May 2019

The recent news of new or upgraded protected status for 17 Quaker meeting houses across Britain emphasises the importance of not only our Quaker history, but our continuing presence as a worshipping group. It underlines that ours is a living heritage, as all these buildings are still being used.

A living heritage: sharing the significance of our Quaker meeting houses


A new approach to living out our faith in action

Updated 10 June 2021

Over the last month since the local elections I've been reflecting on a comment made several times by several Labour politicians, that "we need to spend less time talking to ourselves, and more time talking and working with those in the communities we seek to represent".

A new approach to living out our faith in action


Living adventurously: a decade as Recording Clerk

Updated 6 May 2021

Ten years ago I took a deep breath and sat at my desk in Friends House for the first time. I'd never run an organisation before, and never worked outside the public sector. But I brought my experience of school leadership, several years of Quaker committee work and volunteering, and a sense of hope and a determination that Quakers should thrive in the 21st century.

Living adventurously: a decade as Recording Clerk


The Living Wage is a victory we can build on

Updated 3 November 2017

As of Living Wage Week 2017, Quakers in Britain can celebrate 13 Quaker organisations who are now accredited Living Wage employers – including Friends House, Woodbrooke, and eight area meetings across Britain.

The Living Wage is a victory we can build on


Living the spirit of ubuntu: preparing for World Quaker Day

Updated 29 November 2023

The next Quaker World Plenary Meeting will be hosted by the Friends World Committee's Africa Section and Southern Africa Yearly Meeting. Accordingly the event's framing is African, using the word and concept ubuntu, known and used in various countries of the continent, and originating in Southern Africa.

Living the spirit of ubuntu: Preparing for World Quaker Day


Making a Yearly Meeting Gathering for all Quakers in Britain

Updated 30 August 2017

When I opened the Yearly Meeting Gathering 2017 programme, I was really impressed. The week promised so much, and I couldn't wait to be there.

Making a Yearly Meeting Gathering for all Quakers in Britain


Welcome to the blog

Updated 6 September 2017

Welcome to the Quakers in Britain blog!

Welcome to the blog


Help name our new office in Leeds

Updated 18 June 2021

Quakers in Britain have set up a new base for national Quaker work in Leeds as part of a five-year pilot to test a different way of working.

Help name our new office in Leeds