Young Quakers in Yorkshire meet for mountain biking and reflection

Volunteers and the Youth Development Worker in Yorkshire run regular "Ready for a Shreddy?" mountain bike days across the patch. These high adrenaline adventure days, build community, encourage adventure, stretch young people (and leaders) and promote sustainable transportation.

group of 6 people wave at camera standing beside bikes in woods.
Young people and volunteers out mountain biking at a Quaker youth event in Leeds.

The lunch-time slot always involves a reflective chat about living as a Quaker, this time we used bikes as a metaphorical starting point: "How living as a Quaker like maintaining a mountain bike?"

Here's a taste of the conversation:

  • Maintaining your spiritual life is like maintaining your drive-train, regular is better!
  • Riding is better with mates, don't go it alone
  • Your bike, your set-up, make your spiritual life fit the way you want to live
  • Getting into repairs is a bit like starting out with Meeting for Worship, there a bunch of videos, leaflets, and information out there but having some one whose being doing it a while show you is by far the best way to learn
  • Neither riding or maintaining your spritual life should be a chore, enjoy it!
  • Riding can be a spiritual practice, if you find yourself at peace in the trail, take a moment to breath it in

These mountain biking days are just one of a variety of events organised by Jo Baynham, youth development worker. If you know any 11-18s in Yorkshire who might want to join activities, do follow the link below to find out more.

Youth opportunities in Yorkshire