Search results for 'Living Faithfully'

Displaying 1 - 10 of 66 in total

Quaker groups

Living Witness Project

Updated 29 October 2018

Living Witness supports Quakers in developing their sustainability witness. Their range of resources include regular newsletters, policy briefings and guides for study groups and for personal and collective action. They hold regular national gatherings and summer schools. They can offer advice, talks and facilitate events for Quaker meetings.


Living Adventurously Grant

Updated 22 April 2024

Britain Yearly Meeting has launched a new grants scheme for 18-35 year olds which supports young adult Quakers to participate more fully in the life of the Society of Friends.

Living Adventurously Grant

Our stories

Led to action on the Living Wage

Updated 8 January 2016

In November 2014 I attended the Quaker conference 'Food banks are not enough' at Bull Street Meeting House. I left feeling led to take some action on the Living Wage.

Led to action on the Living Wage

Our stories

Celebrating sustainable living in the Peak District

Updated 22 February 2016

After 18 months of dedicated hard work by a team from Bakewell Quaker Meeting (and a few invited others) the Bakewell Green Festival finally happened. The sun shone, the participants brought their demonstrations, talks, poetry, music, dance, goods for sale, activities, animals and good humour.

Climate & economic justice

The spiritual basis for Quaker climate action

Updated 13 December 2023

Generations of Quakers have handed down a sacred commitment to the 'unity of creation'. To live out this commitment, Quakers are taking action to protect the climate and foster sustainable forms of prosperity.

The spiritual basis for Quaker climate action

Climate & economic justice

Climate justice

Updated 7 August 2024

As our current economic system fuels inequality and climate breakdown, Quakers seek just responses to these intertwined crises.

Climate justice


Climate & economic justice

Updated 5 April 2024

Quakers advocate for just economics systems that sustain people and the planet.

Climate & economic justice

Our values


Updated 10 May 2024

When Quakers gather in worship, we seek to connect with God and with each other. We try to shed our biases and self-interest and seek a deep truth.

Quaker processes

Records custodians and librarians

Updated 24 September 2024

Quakers have kept records faithfully since the very beginning of the Society. A meeting's library can be an excellent resource for those wishing to find out more about Quakerism or keep abreast of our faith and practice.

Records custodians and librarians

Jobs and voluntary opportunities


Updated 2 December 2022

Britain Yearly Meeting employs staff to carry out the centrally managed work of Quakers in Britain. We aim to be an ethical employer, with a 1:4 ratio between our highest and our lowest paid staff. Britain Yearly Meeting is a Living Wage employer.

Quakers in Britain: Job opportunities