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Our stories

Engaging with the 2015 general election

Updated 8 January 2016

The words of the Quaker election guide had great resonance for us. In the months before the election we explored how we might raise awareness, stimulate debate, and educate ourselves and others about important issues.

Engaging with the 2015 general election


Happy anniversary! Landmark decision on marriage celebrated

Updated 31 July 2019

This week marks 10 years since Quakers in Britain decided to campaign for same-sex marriage so that marriages of all committed Quaker couples be prepared, celebrated, witnessed, recorded and reported to the state.

Happy anniversary! Landmark decision on marriage celebrated


UK must take urgent action after ICJ genocide ruling, Quakers say

Updated 30 January 2024

Quakers have welcomed, with a heavy heart, the ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), that there is a plausible risk Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

UK must take urgent action after ICJ genocide ruling, Quakers say


Moved by the spirit: Quakers in film

Updated 24 February 2020

It often surprises me just how many references to Quakers there are in popular TV shows and films.

Moved by the spirit: Quakers in film


3 Quakers share their approach to climate justice

Updated 22 August 2018

From campaigning against slavery in the 18th century to taking on the arms trade in the 21st, Quakers have a history of working alongside other faith groups for a more just and peaceful world.

3 Quakers share their approach to climate justice


3 things that East African community peace campaigners can teach us

Updated 18 February 2020

“I'm 66 years old, but my skin is still young. I think that's because of my work as a peacebuilder." Sizeli, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide, says this to me with a big smile on his face.

3 things that East African community peace campaigners can teach us


3 things to expect from the Scottish Parliament that aren’t an independence referendum

Updated 19 May 2021

The sixth session of the Scottish Parliament has now begun. While a great deal of coverage of the election has focussed on the prospect of a second independence referendum, there are other issues we should expect to see on the political horizon.

3 things to expect from the Scottish parliament that aren’t an independence referendum


Why I am still a pacifist

Updated 12 February 2024

I became General Secretary of the Friends World Committee for Consultation in January of 2022, a role of service to the world's 400,000 or so Quakers, who collectively comprise one of the world's traditional peace churches.

Why I am still a pacifist


Could Quakerism be the radical faith that the millennial generation is looking for?

Updated 18 February 2019

Whether they are out canvassing at election time, or marching for their right to live free of gun violence, young people everywhere are working to make the world a more just and equal place. Not just for themselves, but for everyone.

Could Quakerism be the radical faith that the millennial generation is looking for?


5 solidarity actions you can take for Palestine and Israel

Updated 6 November 2023

The scale of the violence and harm to civilians is unprecedented and unlike anything in living memory. Hospitals, schools, places of worship, roads, and homes have been decimated, and civilians have been targeted. Faith groups and human rights agencies across the world have called on the international community to act immediately to secure a ceasefire and work to ensure humanitarian aid and access.

5 solidarity actions you can take for Palestine and Israel