Information about Quaker collections in other places and useful online resources.

Library of the Society of Friends digital resources

Some other Quaker collections

United Kingdom



The National Archives Discovery tool


Other resources for Quaker research

  • Friends Historical Society aims to promote the study of Quaker history and to further the religious beliefs of the Religious Society of Friends. The society holds meetings, publishes research findings and publishes the Journal of the Friends Historical Society.
  • Friends Historical Association (US) Friends Historical Association is based at Haverford College Library, Haverford, PA 19041, USA. Founded in 1873 for the study, preservation and publication of materials relating to the history of the Religious Society of Friends, it publishes the journal Quaker History twice a year.
  • Quaker Studies and Research Association QSRA publishes the journal Quaker Studies twice a year and runs a discussion list.