Making lanterns in Bath
This October half term, eight young people gathered together for an afternoon of games, craft and stillness in Bath, as part of the west region's Quaker youth offering. From piles of willow, paper and glue, beautiful lanterns were made. From honest questions insightful discussions grew – particularly about how (and when!) to explain Quakers beliefs.
'Chaos and fun', were how one young person described the afternoon, while another who was joining for the first time remarked shared 'it was good to try something new and to feel SO welcome'. Other young people reflected how glad they were to be back in Quaker spaces amongst Friends.
Being creative alongside one another created lots of opportunities for connection and conversation. The group noted how each person took the same ingredients (willow, tissue paper, tape and glue) to make very different lanterns. This helped the group reflect on what the Quaker belief of light within us means to them, and how each person expresses this differently.
The group hopes to get together again with their lanterns for the 'Light the Night' festival in Frome next month; and is looking forward to being together as a group, and as part of a wider community celebration.