Planning for children and young people at Yearly Meeting

Behind the scenes, teams of young people, adult volunteers and staff are working together to create programmes for joyful, interactive programmes for children and young people at Yearly Meeting, where there is something to welcome all ages. Bookings are still open for Children's Programme and Young People @ Yearly Meeting. We hope these will offer nurturing, expansive and joyful explorations on our themes of love and truth, linking in with the wider Yearly Meeting theme of truth and integrity.

daisy chain
We're all connected like links in a daisy chain as the YP@YM arrangements committee of young people reminded us. Photo by gryffyn on Unsplash

We had another planning weekend in Warwick in mid May where teams of people involved in offering the Children's Programmes (for 0-11s), YP@YM (for 11-15s) and JYM (16-18s) came together for some time to develop core skills, such as Quaker approach to children's and youthwork and safeguarding practices. With more time spent working in their separate teams to devise creative and fun programmes for their age groups.

All the programmes are coming together with a range of activities including games, craft, discussion, worship, treasure hunts and trips out. Each team is excited about what they've planned and looking forward to being in community at Yearly Meeting, where this year with everyone based in Friends House we will have opportunities to share all age experiences, including Exploration Afternoons - interactive discernment opportunities and 400th birthday celebrations for George Fox.

Bookings for the Children's Programme and YP@YM are still open.

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