We can support you or your group as you plan, undertake and sustain your action for peace, climate justice or other concerns.

We can hold space for reflection, help you find common ground and build effective strategies for action.


“Thank you for holding the space so beautifully. I felt safe to say and do what I felt like saying and doing…It's daunting. And I'm scared. But it's good to face the darkness together."

- Young Adult Quakers, Blue Marble Project Leeds


Our hope is that through our support, Friends increasingly have the knowledge, skills and confidence to be effective in their witness and feel connected to each other within thriving activist communities.

We provide regular support by phone, online or in-person. We can add extra capacity for practical tasks over a short period of time. We can help to deliver workshops, such as:

  • understanding a diversity of tactics and devising a campaign strategy
  • using social media to improve engagement and impact
  • making sure your campaign/action/event is inclusive and spirit-led

Contact us

Contact us

Please email faithinaction@quaker.org.uk to arrange an initial phone or Zoom call.