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10 things the government could do to rethink security

Updated 14 November 2019

One of the good things about a new person taking over a job is that they can take a fresh look at the tasks in hand and ask: what's working? What's not? What might be out of date?It can be an opportunity for a rethink.

10 things the government could do to rethink security


5 ways to witness for peace

Updated 6 February 2024

We have all watched in horror as thousands of civilians are killed and displaced in Gaza, in response to the atrocious attacks by Hamas in Israel on 7 October. As Quakers in Britain we have felt compelled to speak out and take action and Friends across the country have too.

5 ways to witness for peace


5 solidarity actions you can take for Palestine and Israel

Updated 6 November 2023

The scale of the violence and harm to civilians is unprecedented and unlike anything in living memory. Hospitals, schools, places of worship, roads, and homes have been decimated, and civilians have been targeted. Faith groups and human rights agencies across the world have called on the international community to act immediately to secure a ceasefire and work to ensure humanitarian aid and access.

5 solidarity actions you can take for Palestine and Israel


Military stand-off over Ukraine: 5 things you can do

Updated 17 February 2022

On 25 January Quakers in Britain issued a statement urging all sides to "engage in urgent de-escalation and commit to resolving the stand-off over Ukraine peacefully". Since then, we have witnessed the continuation of the military build-up. Despite Russia's recent disputed announcement of a partial withdrawal of some troops, there is continued international concern that diplomacy may fail and that a terrible new war may break out.

Military stand-off over Ukraine: 5 things you can do


How to heal divided communities: 5 tips from East African peace campaigners

Updated 23 January 2020

Quakers in Britain support small East African peace organisations to train community peacebuilders. I take a look at what we can learn from their achievements.

How to heal divided communities: 5 tips from East African peace campaigners


How to support the anti-DSEI arms fair actions from afar

Updated 6 September 2023

In September, hundreds of Quakers will descend upon the London borough of Newham to protest the set-up of the DSEI arms fair. DSEI 2021 featured over 1,600 exhibitors, including most of the biggest arms companies. This year is set to be no different.

How to support the anti-DSEI arms fair actions from afar


9 voices the Department for Education would ban from schools

Updated 8 October 2020

Recent Department for Education guidance tells headteachers in England to ensure external organisations, speakers and resources do not take "extremist" stances. These include a stated desire to abolish capitalism and "a failure to condemn illegal activities done in support of their cause". The guidance also bans "victim narratives that are harmful to British society".

9 voices the Department for Education would ban from schools


11 ways to support the arms fair protesters

Updated 25 September 2017

The Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI) event, despite its sanitised title, is actually the world's largest arms fair. The recent week of action to stop it happening saw many inspiring acts of witness.

11 ways to support the arms fair protesters


Pacifism and conscientious objection in UK children’s literature

Updated 19 January 2023

Children's books about war have proliferated since the turn of the century, to the extent that it is now commonplace subject matter. In particular, the two world wars have inspired the largest volume of children's fiction.

6 children's and YA books about conscientious objection


Peaceful prisons

Updated 27 June 2018

A lot has happened since I last wrote about my time as a peaceworker. Working with Leap Confronting Conflict has continued to be full of new experiences and learning.

Peaceful prisons