Search results for 'Quaker Testimonies'

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Displaying 21 - 30 of 40 in total

Quaker worship

Quaker membership

Updated 26 March 2024

Individuals who regularly attend Quaker meetings are known as attenders. Regular attenders may come to feel that the time is right for them to join The Religious Society of Friends in Britain (Quakers). Members might be referred to as 'Friends'.

Quaker life

Quaker journeys

Updated 20 September 2023

Quakerism is built on common ideas, but the journey is different for each of us. In these short clips, different Quakers tell us about their journeys.

Quaker journeys

Welcome, belonging and witness

Quaker Outreach

Updated 25 July 2024

This page is for Friends who want to help new people find Quaker meetings. We have a range of resources and online network meetings to support Quaker outreach, for Quaker Week and all year round.

Quaker Outreach

Political engagement

Quaker concerns

Updated 10 July 2024

Recent public letters, parliamentarian briefings and submissions on issues of concern to Quakers.

Quaker concerns

Climate & economic justice

Recovering from the pandemic

Updated 13 December 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone around the world. It has also laid bare the deep inequalities in our economic system and society, where 'normal' was failing millions.

Recovering from the pandemic

Our stories

Young Quaker climate strikers call for support from Friends

Updated 19 September 2019

Unified climate action can bridge intergenerational divides and protect our living planet, writes Faith Biddle

Young Quaker climate strikers call for support from Friends

Our structure

Quaker Committee for Christian & Interfaith Relations

Updated 17 July 2024

The Quaker Committee for Christian and Interfaith Relations (QCCIR) helps Quakers in Britain in their work with other religious faiths, spiritual and human values groups in pursuit of common goals. It does this by reflecting on Quaker insights and values, and by helping Friends enter imaginatively into the life and witness of other faith groups to create bonds of friendship and mutual understanding.

Quaker Committee for Christian & Interfaith Relations (QCCIR)


Let's explore the Quaker way

Updated 7 February 2020

Here in the Children and Young People's team – part of Quaker Life – we offer lots of fantastic resources that help children and young people feel part of vibrant Quaker communities.

Let's explore the Quaker way


How do we build an economy on Quaker principles?

Updated 3 October 2017

One year ago, Quaker Peace & Social Witness began publishing a series of booklets about the new economy. Since then, Quakers in reading groups across Scotland, England and Wales have used these booklets to develop answers to the question: how do we build an economy based on Quaker principles?

How do we build an economy on Quaker principles?


Working with the government on climate policy: what we’ve learned

Updated 4 October 2018

We know that confronting our climate crisis requires us to embrace fundamental changes: to our lives, what we buy, how we use energy and other resources. Through our Quaker worship and our witness, we seek a truer way of living – one that allows our testimonies to flourish.

Working with the government on climate policy: what we’ve learned