This page offers a variety of young adults who attend Quaker meetings. Please see each grants for specific conditions.

The grants on offer

    Young Adult Events and Learning Grant

    The purpose of Quaker Events and Learning Grant is to support young adult Quakers to attend events, courses and other Quaker learning opportunities which would otherwise not be possible due to financial constraints.


    Applicants should be:

    • A member of, or closely connected with, the Religious Society of Friends in Britain
    • Aged 18-35
    • Attending an event or learning opportunity (e.g. a course or conference) which is either explicitly Quaker in nature or closely linked to Quaker witness or testimonies
    • Unable to attend without financial assistance

    Examples of possible grants

    • Help with the cost of attending a course at Woodbrooke which offers a 50% discount to young adults, and the cost of travel to Woodbrooke, if the remaining cost cannot be met by the applicant
    • Help to cover an additional night's accommodation if this makes attending an event possible, for example due to ill health or living a long distance from the venue
    • Help with travel costs or accommodation/subsistence costs to attend a free event e.g. Quaker Activist Gathering

    Maximum: £500

    How to apply

    To apply please read the guidance notes and complete the application form.

    Grants are usually decided and, if approved paid, within a month.

    Applicants may re-apply for a grant but priority will be given to first time applicants.


    As a follow up you must give a brief account (min 250 words) of the event/learning you took part in. You may also share your experiences in another format such as video, Instagram stories or takeovers or being interviewed on a Quaker podcast.

    There is also an Adult Education Grant.

    Financial Relief Grant

    The purpose of the Financial Relief Grant is to improve the quality of life for young adult Friends who have impaired quality of life due to low income (usually defined as earning below the living wage).


    Applicants should be:

    • A member of, or closely connected with, the Religious Society of Friends in Britain
    • Aged 18-35
    • Have impaired quality of life due to low income (usually defined as earning below the living wage)

    Grants might be made for the following, but may be considered for other things:

    • Living expenses
    • Emergency or unexpected costs (e.g. breakdown of fridge)
    • Help with the costs relating to non-Quaker learning (music, driving, etc.)
    • Equipment for a new or developing hobby (IT equipment, music or sports equipment etc.)
    • Help with travel costs

    Maximum: £500

    How to apply

    To apply please read the guidance notes and complete the application form.

    Applications may be made at any time. We aim to process Financial Relief Grants as quickly as possible, however, they will usually be decided and, if approved paid, within a month. In some cases they may be paid within 1-2 weeks, but this will not always be possible.

    The application must include the contact details of a supporting Friend who is able to confirm the eligibility of the application.

    Living Adventurously Grant

    Living Adventurously Grants are designed to support young adults in service they feel led to do as part of their Quaker witness, which is otherwise not possible due to financial constraints.

    This service might take the form of volunteering, whether in the UK or abroad, or other forms of Quaker witness. These grants are not intended to only support activities run by Quaker organisations.


    Applicants should be:

    • A member of, or closely connected with, the Religious Society of Friends in Britain
    • Aged 18-35
    • Able to explain clearly how the work they feel led to do relates to their Quaker witness, and how it will benefit their local or national Quaker community or wider society
    • Able to explain how any learning involved will enable them to serve society and/or the Religious Society of Friends
    • Applicants should have assured themselves that the direction they have chosen to take is spirit-led, and should indicate who has helped with the discernment process.

    Maximum: £1500

    As there may be insufficient funding to support all applications applicants will need to demonstrate clearly how they meet eligibility criteria.

    How to apply

    To apply please read the guidance notes and complete the application form.

    The application must be supported by the statement of a Friend who must have some oversight responsibility within a Quaker community (whether a Local Meeting or Young Friends General Meeting, or as an organiser of a young adult Quaker group).

    Applications for Living Adventurously Grants will be considered once every 3 months.


    As a follow up you must write a written report (min 500 words). We also encourage recipients of the grant to share their stories in different formats which will be accessible and engaging to other young adults. This might include videos, being interviewed on a Quaker podcast, or Instagram stories or takeovers.

    The intention with this grant-making scheme is to build a community of alumni who are able to share the impact that the grants have had on their lives and their Quaker witness.