About the Quaker peace testimony
A downloadable, printable PDF booklet about Quakers and peace, touching upon historical roots and present-day concerns.
Peace has been at the core of Quakerism since the earliest days of our faith. It springs from our belief that there is 'that of God everyone', meaning every life is precious and so killing and violence cannot be justified.
Quakers' refusal to take up arms does not mean we are passive in the face of injustice. As well as resisting or refusing to participate in violence, we actively work to build a more just and peaceful world.
We believe in striving for peace at every level: from peace with ourselves; to peace within our families, neighbourhoods and communities; to peaceful relations internationally.
The sum total of how Quakers past and present have worked for peace is called the Quaker 'peace testimony'. It is not a fixed set of beliefs – it is about how Quakers put their faith into action in the world. This includes everything from small everyday actions, to nonviolently resisting war and everything that makes war possible, to engaging in peacebuilding work in the UK and overseas, to campaigning for disarmament and for peaceful ways of addressing conflict. Quakers often take action alongside others, such as other faith groups and secular peace and justice movements.
We recognise that working for peace is not easy. It is usually a long process, involving setbacks as well as progress, and often posing as many dilemmas as it offers answers. However, we are committed to doing this difficult work alongside others, knowing that only peaceful approaches can break cycles of violence.
Find out about the ways we are campaigning for peace today.
Explore our previous campaigns.