This page provides a brief overview of current climate justice campaigns.

Make Polluters Pay

While we must do all we can to cut greenhouse gas emissions and adapt our societies to cope with global heating, major climate disasters are already happening, and more will follow.

Loss and damage caused by climate breakdown is a present reality for people around the world, and it is getting worse every year. As extreme weather events and rising sea levels destroy lives and livelihoods, those who are causing the climate crisis continue to profit by burning fossil fuels.

In 2021, the international community agreed to create a loss and damage fund. Hundreds of billions of pounds are needed every year to support communities most affected by climate breakdown. Now this fund must be filled and that money must come from those who caused the crisis.

We are working with faith groups and NGOs to call on the UK government to help identify new sources of finance for loss and damage, as part of the Make Polluters Pay campaign (offsite link). We also work with the Climate Justice Coalition (offsite link) and the Faith for the Climate network (offsite link).

Find out more about Make Polluters Pay.

Insure Our Future

As part of the Insure Our Future coalition, we are asking insurers to stop offering insurance to new coal, oil and gas projects, particularly those with poor implications for human rights such as the East African Crude Oil Pipeline.

Insurance is often a bottleneck for new fossil fuel projects and so could have a powerful impact on the end of the fossil fuel era and the shift to renewables. The less insurance that's available, the more difficult and expensive it becomes to build new fossil fuel projects; it might even become impossible.

We have written open letters to Lloyd's of London, a major insurer, highlighting the damaging potential of the proposed East African Oil Pipeline and asking Lloyd's to adopt better fossil fuel policies. We have also held interfaith vigils outside of their headquarters.

We have also worked with Share Action to support Quakers to attend insurance company AGMs and to ask company leaders about their fossil fuel policies.

Find out more about Insure Our Future

How to get involved

If you'd like to take action to support the campaigns or order postcards to spread the word, email See the postcard for Insure Our Future (PDF) or for Make Polluters Pay (PDF).

For more information on the campaigns, visit the websites of StopEACOP, Insure Our Future and Make Polluters Pay.

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