YMAC 1–3 November 2024
Yearly Meeting Agenda Committee met to discuss plans for Yearly Meeting 2025, including timing, content and the Swarthmore Lecture.
What is this committee responsible for?
Yearly Meeting Agenda Committee is the committee whose main job is to plan sessions of Yearly Meeting. At the moment the committee is working on plans for the next Yearly Meeting, which will be held from 23–26 May 2025 at Friends House, London, and online. The committee works to discern what issues need to be laid before the Yearly Meeting in session, drawing on insights from across Britain Yearly Meeting's committee structure and beyond.
What did it do at this meeting?
At this meeting, YMAC agreed the timings of Yearly Meeting sessions, and refined further their plans for the content of the agenda. As well as the formal reports from bodies required to report to Yearly Meeting (Meeting for Sufferings and BYM Trustees), YMAC is proposing that Yearly Meeting 2025 will be rooted in our Peace testimony. This will include considering: How do we as Quakers address violence and conflict in our local communities and our nations? How do we welcome and accept and nurture the radical peacemaker in ourselves and others?
The committee also heard about plans for next year's Swarthmore Lecture, which is to be given by Emily Provance, with a focus on the meaning of Quaker community and the challenges of co-operation. They also considered how to make sure our Quaker community is looked after, kept safe, and protected from bullying and harassment.
What happens next?
YMAC will be refining plans for the sessions at Yearly Meeting, preparing how to introduce items for our consideration, planning community activities, and getting ready documents which will be sent to Friends in advance of Yearly Meeting. These will be produced in two batches: in early January materials will be available to help Friends and meetings to prepare for Yearly Meeting; at the end of March the agenda and formal papers will be published. Registration will open early in the New Year.
How can I find out more?
You can keep in touch with what's planned for Yearly Meeting at www.quaker.org.uk/ym.