Serve with Quaker Life Central Committee
Quaker Life Central Committee seeks excited and motivated Friends to join its work.
Quaker Life Central Committee's purpose is to support and strengthen Quaker life throughout the Yearly Meeting to help to deepen our experience of God's grace, its consequent expression in our lives and in all our meetings, and to increase awareness of and interest in Quakers in Britain. This remit covers faith and practice, spiritual nurture and the practical tasks required for the running of our Quaker meetings.
Central Nominations Committee seeks Friends to join Quaker Life Central Committee. You may be curious about how you can get involved in the spiritual life of the Yearly Meeting. Quaker Life Central Committee discerns a programme of work and provides strategic guidance and oversight for the work of Quaker Life. The work may be taken forward in many ways, e.g. by staff, the Committee, Friends, or partner organisations.
Friends of all ages could serve on the committee for 1-3 years.
Complete an Expression of Interest Form to let us know you have an interest in Quaker Life Central Committee.
To discuss this opportunity in more detail, please get in touch with the Nominations team by emailing