QWRC 15 February 2025
Quaker World Relations Committee met to hear news from across Europe and the Middle East and prepare for this year's Yearly Meetings.
What is this committee responsible for?
Quaker World Relations Committee (QWRC) helps Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) keep in contact with other Quaker meetings and groups abroad, understand their witness, communicate ours, and maintain mutual support. QWRC liaises with the worldwide Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), and in particular with its Europe and Middle East Section (EMES).
What did it do at this meeting?
The committee welcomed a new member and introduced themselves to each other, sharing backgrounds and experience. It discussed news, reports and epistles received from Yearly Meetings across EMES, finalised the Letters of Greeting that will be sent from Britain Yearly Meeting to the other EMES Yearly Meetings taking place in 2025, and reviewed progress in preparing QWRC-related activity scheduled in connection with Yearly Meeting in London in May. It heard updates from the Reparations Working Group and considered how it can best support this work. It took time to remember Simon C. Lamb, from Ireland Yearly Meeting, who served as Clerk to the Executive Committee of FWCC.
How can I find out more?
Please keep an eye on the QWRC page of the Quakers in Britain website here..