These groups demonstrate some of the many interests and concerns that Quakers pursue as part of their wider commitment to their faith. Most groups meet up and organise activities - it's a great way to meet Quakers and make new contacts. Activities are usually open to non-Quakers. Do please contact a group if you are interested to know more about it.


  • To provide a network through which Friends can safely explore issues in mental health, guided by Quaker testimonies to equality and truth and informed by the legacy of William Tuke (founder of The Retreat, York);
  • To create opportunities for Friends to meet together in person or virtually in a spirit of worship, to uphold one another in their different capacities and for discernment on matters associated with mental health.
  • To explore the relationships between spirituality, creativity and mental health wellbeing;
  • To promote awareness and understanding of mental health issues across Britain Yearly Meeting, thus informing pastoral care in Local, Area and Yearly Meeting levels;
  • To act as a Quaker Voice on aspects of mental health and wellbeing policies and practices in Britain today.
