Quaker Recognised Bodies
These groups demonstrate some of the many interests and concerns that Quakers pursue as part of their wider commitment to their faith. Most groups meet up and organise activities - it's a great way to meet Quakers and make new contacts. Activities are usually open to non-Quakers. Do please contact a group if you are interested to know more about it.
Quaker Arts Network
Quaker Arts Network is a group of Quakers with interests in the arts (broadly defined), run on a voluntary basis. All those in sympathy with their aims are welcome to join the network, which has members across the world.
While many of the group are practicing artists, musicians, writers etc., others may have interest in the use of the arts for spiritual expression, nurture, healing, Quaker outreach or simply pleasure.
Facebook: @QuakerArts
Website: http://quakerarts.net/