Protesting in row over nuclear weapons

Quakers joined a Christian vigil outside Westminster Abbey today (Friday) in protest against the decision to hold a service to mark fifty years of continuous-at-sea patrol by the UK's nuclear submarines. Some joined a die-in organised by Christian CND.

Quakers standing outside Westminster Abbey holding banners saying peace or Quakers for peace
Sittingbourne Quakers travelled up to take part in the demonstration outside Westminster Abbey.

CND report that more than 5000 letters of protest have been written to the Dean of Westminster Abbey, the Very Revd John Hall.

Paul Parker, the Recording Clerk of Quakers in Britain wrote in a private letter to the Dean of Westminster Abbey, “Quakers regard nuclear weapons as faithless. To threaten humanity and the planet with nuclear annihilation is in our view contrary to what God would have us do."

“It is indeed imperative that we all continue to pray and work for peace throughout the world, but peace is not served by the maintenance, possession and threat of use of nuclear weapons."

“As a faith community Quakers have been urging the UK to sign up to the Nuclear Ban Treaty.

“A Service to Recognise Fifty Years Of Continuous At Sea Deterrent" was held at noon on Friday 3 May. It was announced as marking the commitment of the Royal Navy to effective peacekeeping.

Join the Quaker campaign against nuclear weapons