Teaching Peace in Schools

Quakers in Bristol have been working with the BYM Peace Education Team to learn how to train primary school children to mediate playground issues with their peers. Since doing the training earlier this year, Bristol Quakers are now lined up to work with their first primary school in June, and there is quite a buzz about developing more opportunities to teach skills for peace to more Bristol children.

cartoon shapes with smiling faces and a label saying Peacemaking
Peacemakers new animation explains more about the potential for peace education in schools, and where to learn more. Credit: Peacemakers

Peer mediation is conflict resolution for young people by young people, making schools safer and more peaceful. Mediators, in this case primary 5 or 6 pupils, learn the process used by professionals to help people find win:win solutions. In the process children develop their empathy and communication skills, which are important life skills and building blocks for peace.

Nearly twenty Bristol Quakers and interested others did the 'Train the Trainer' peer mediation course with Quaker's in Britain's Peace Education teamto develop the skills and confidence to deliver this training to Local primary school children. The training was clear, fun and insightful. Since then, a few committed Friends have been working hard to develop their resources and promotional materials. They'll work with their Youth Development worker to deliver their first sessions in June, building on the peace education work they are already doing in schools locally.

Peacemakers, a Quaker peace education charity in Birmingham which delivers and supports this kind of work, has recently made a new animation to find out how peace education can make a difference in schools, and where to get started.

See Peacemakers animation