Online Introduction to Chaplaincy inspires new and existing Quaker chaplains

In late January, there was an online 'Introduction to Chaplaincy' where three chaplains shared their experiences, of prison, university, and hospice chaplaincy. Quakers joining the session heard about different approaches, asked questions and reflected on their own leadings, including how they might get in touch with chaplaincy teams in local institutions.

Table set up with bible, Quaker advices and queries and flowers, chairs in background
Quaker chaplains support people of all faith and none, offering connection in times of need.

At the session, Katie Evan's experience of chaplaincy was shared in these words:

It's not always misery and despair. One of the joys of my work is affirming when people's spirituality is a positive resource that's bringing them quality of life: hearing about loved ones and accomplishments, life stories and values, good memories and hopes.

Chaplaincy is for people of all faiths and none. Occasionally people want specifically religious care, perhaps prayers or readings or to see a faith leader from their own tradition. But for the most part it's about listening with empathy. Offering kindness and respect is more important than sharing the same beliefs.

Most of the people I work with don't know I'm a Quaker, and that's fine - our time together is about them not me. But even so, I would say my Quaker faith shapes the way I work and the care I give. Quakerism is a listening spirituality, our practice helps cultivate that capacity to be present to a person or a situation in a way that welcomes them as they are."

For anyone interested in finding out more about Quaker chaplaincy, we run a regular online network session once a month, which is an opportunity for chaplains to share experiences and to benefit from peer support. These sessions are also open to those interested in finding out more about chaplaincy in various settings.

Please contact Naomi Major,, if you would like to find out more.

Upcoming Chaplaincy events